Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Korea University ranks no.1 for three consecutive years in the BK21 MBA Evaluation

= Receives Excellent Grades in the Globalization, Curriculum and Research category=

The excellence of Korea University MBA has been proven again. The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology recently announced that the MBA program at Korea University ranked 1st place for three consecutive years (06~08) in the ‘Brain Korea (BK) 21’ 2nd year evaluation (2008) of MBA programs. The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology stated “KUBS MBA ranked no.1 in the 2nd stage of the 2nd year of BK21 evaluation which was carried out on 567 project teams at 73 universities. The following is an article by the Chosun Daily Newspaper.

Excellent Scores in Globalization and Research…

Korea University ranks 1st place for three consecutive years.

BK 21 Business Management Services Sector

The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology recently announced that Korea University’s MBA program ranked 1st place in the 2nd year (2008) Brain Korea (BK) 21 Business Management Services Evaluation for three consecutive years since 2006.

In the 2nd stage of the 2nd year of BK21 evaluation which was carried out on 567 project teams at 73 universities KUBS MBA ranked number 1 in the field of MBA, followed by Seoul National University (2nd place), Yonsei University (3rd place) and Sungkyunkwan University (4th place).

The evaluation was conducted by identifying and comparing project teams with the lowest scores based on project performance from March, 2006 to February, 2008 and project plans for the next four years with teams that had newly applied for projects. KU MBA ranked among the top in most categories but in particular received excellent scores in areas of globalization, curriculum, research and matching funds etc.

KU MBA operates a program that aims to foster global business professionals. The school was first in Korea to be accredited by both the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) and the European Quality Improvement System (EQIUS) and is recognized for its global standard education program. KUBS offers Korea MBA- founded in 1963 as Korea’s first MBA program, Executive MBA - a highly intensive course for business executives, MIBA - focusing on fostering foreign direct investment experts and the Global MBA program - the first daytime 1-year program in Korea where over 30% of the students are from abroad.

It also runs Finance MBA which is Korea’s first 1-year MBA program specializing in finance. The S³ Asia MBA, a dual-degree program, is jointly operated by Fudan University (Fudan), Korea University (KU) and National University of Singapore (NUS). The program which is receiving attention focuses on fostering economic and business management experts in Asia. The daytime MBA courses such as Global MBA, Finance MBA and S³ Asia MBA are now in the process of receiving applicants for the second half of 2009. Application deadline is May 1st and can only be done online (biz.korea.ac.kr/APP).

KU MBA also offers international residence programs that allow students to visit prestigious schools in other parts of Asia, U.S and Europe for a period of 6-7 weeks. Some of the schools include the Wharton School, Chicago GSB and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

A school official explained KU MBA is sparing no effort in realizing globalization through exchange programs with prominent schools in other countries as well as offering a dual-degree program with the Ohio State University in the US. Each program provides customized and specialized programs that meet the demands of students. Also the employment rate and class satisfaction of the graduates are at the very top.

Chosun Daily Newspaper February 19th 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Rise of Asia and 'the' MBA For It.

The Asian Century is defined as the belief that, if certain demographic and economic trends persist, the 21st century will be dominated by Asian politics and culture. Today, economists and politicians alike have seen that we are indeed living in the Asian century. With the growth of China, India and Southeast Asia, multinationals are now moving their operations more into the region, while focusing on capturing the growing Asian markets to ensure competitive advantage.

For potential leaders who are searching for a career in dynamic Asia, or wishes to work in a multinational company handling Asian operations, it is crucial to know of the history, business operations and unspoken ethics of the region. Passing a namecard using two hands, how to develop guanxi in China, and the power of the chaebols in Korea are just some of the critical idiosyncrasies of doing business in the region.

With the S3 Asia MBA programme, students will be able to triple their MBA experience, triple their networks, and triple their opportunities within the Asian region. Some of the key differentiators of S3 Asia MBA’s curriculum compared to other MBA programmes globally include modules such as:

1. Asia Pacific Business

2. Doing Business in Korea and Japan

3. Doing Business in China

4. Capital Markets and Corporate Governance in Asia

5. Business Ethics in Asian Companies

6. Asian Business Insights I, II, and III (Field trips to top companies in Shanghai, Seoul and Singapore)

With a comprehensive curriculum designed to offer a rigorous look on Asian business, S3 Asia MBA students get a distinct advantage of learning hands on how the region works. Aside from the solid curriculum, students also get to be part of a completely international campus within the 3 universities, as they move from one country to the next in each semester. By completely immersing in 3 of Asia’s economic powerhouses – imagine the networks and ties formed which are crucial in post-MBA careers.

Asia’s growth is definitely undeniable. Set yourself apart from the rest by being a true expert in Asian business.

Visit www.s3-asiamba.com and learn more about the programme today!

Contributed by Richard Rubnan Que, The NUS MBA - Class of 2010 / Marketing and Admissions Manager - The NUS MBA

Saturday, October 10, 2009

S3 Asia MBA를 시작한지 벌써 1년이 지나고 3학기 중간을 지난 지금 드는 생각..

탁월한 선택이었다고 생각한다.

먼저 기존에 널리 알려진 미국의 일류 MBA의 장점을 생각해보면.. 여러 분야에서의 다양한 경험을 가진 100~200명의 동기생의 볼륨. 졸업 후의 깔끔한 연봉 상승률 & 강력한 동기 네트워크.. 정도?
조금 더 면밀히 살펴보면.. (지극히 주관적인 생각임을 미리 밝힘)보통 MBAer들의 평균 직장경력이 4~7년정도일 것인데.. 이 정도는 어느 MBA과정이나 비슷할 것이라 생각한다.두번째.. 네트워크 측면에서.. 과연 내가 1~2년 안에 몇명이나 나의 진정한 네트웍으로 끌어안을 수 있을까? 같은 학교 졸업생이면 별 관계가 없어도 네트웍으로 할 수 있다는 지극히 한국적인 사고방식은 통하지 않을 것이다. 많아봐야.. 20~30명일 것이다.

연봉 상승률.. 요즘 미국 MBAer중 미국인 너그러이 더 고려해서 유럽인(서)까지는 그런대로 직장구하는 것이 어렵지는 않을 것이지만.. 아시아인은 여전히.. Second-Tier인 것이다.그리고.. 쉽게 말해서.. 1~1년 MBA공부하면 그 사람 능력이 연봉상승률만큼 두배 혹은 세배로 뛰어오르는가? 스스로 알 것이다.


이 시점에서 S3 Asia MBA 얘기를 해보자.원 계획은 Class Size를 60명으로 하는 것이었지만 내실을 다져야한다는 학교들(고려대, 싱가폴 국립대, 복단대)의 의견조율에 따라 현재 30명으로 엄선운영되고 있다. 30명? 작은 볼륨인만큼 경쟁이 엄청 치열하다. 그런 경쟁속에 서로 견인하는 효과를 내고 있다.

하지만 30명이 다가 아니다. 복단대, 고려대, 싱가폴 국립대를 다니며 엄청난 네트웍의 숫자를 가질 수 있다. 오히려 각 학교에서 머무는 시간이 짧은만큼.. Intensive하게 네트웍을 다지게 된다.

연봉상승률.. 올해 말에 졸업생이 배출되기 때문에 섣불리 말하기는 어렵다. 하지만 Facts를 봤을 때 아시아 경제의 상승과 아시아 경제 전문가의 수요등의 요인이 전망을 밝게 하고 있다. 단, 조건이 있다. 영어 + 중국어의 조합이 필요하다는 것이다.마지막으로 다양한 경험이다. MBA에 온 목적이 무엇인가? 공부하러 왔는가? 물론 공부해야 한다. 하지만 다양한 현장경험과 문화적 차이를 더 경험 할 수 있다면 더할 나위 없는 것 아닌가? 중국-상해, 한국-서울, 싱가폴을 한 클래스 전체가 같이 경험하며 서로간의 Insights를 공유하고 서로 적응해가는 커리큘럼이야 말로 지금까지 시도된 바 없고 가치있는 것이라 생각한다.

S3 Asian이라는 말로 시작했는데..

개인적으로는 이런 과정을 통해 아시아 경제에 대한 전문가가 많이 나올 수 있었으면 좋겠다. 무엇이 아시아 경제 전문가인가?각 나라의 독특한 경제상황과 문화적인 요인들에 대한 노출이 많은 사람이 전문가일 것이다.

MBA에 온 목적을 다시한번 고찰해보자..

Contributed by Lee Dae Young, Class of 2010.