Sunday, September 6, 2009

写在S3 Asia一周年生日之际

Contributed by Qin Qin



每天睁开眼天已经不早了,上海的早晨骑辆自行车,到路边小店买些面包牛奶,一路冲入教室,呼呼,九点刚刚好!不过呢,后面总有几位同学在教授的讲课声中应声而来,行注目礼,点头微笑,入座。首尔的早晨更妙,边往宿舍楼外冲边算着学校shuttle bus的时间,远远的看见开过来了,前面的同学使劲叫加油加油,后面的一路小跑冲进去,踉踉跄跄坐下来,又赶上了,哈!开心!对了,shuttle bus九点以后才有,十点的课才有的坐,九点的课,只能顺着同学们开发的小山路颠颠的自己跑下山了,十分钟足矣。新加坡早上没课,所以早起这件痛苦的事免掉了,只不过,住处离学校的距离就不能用分钟衡量了,大概要按小时算,因为,虽然实际地理距离并不算远,可等公交实在令人心焦,165转151转shuttle bus,司机大叔一高兴,中间半小时没有一班,没辙,等!


同学们上课参与的风格也各不相同,印度同学最活跃,这个是必然,语言优势加性格特点,英语不管口音怎样都是他们的母语,再加上性格外向喜欢辩论,上课他们的声音回响频率最高,不过这也带动课堂气氛灵活而热烈。其他同学,中国,韩国,美国,新加坡也都有很大程度的参与。值得开心的是,中国同学的课堂积极性日渐增强,管他Chinglish, 管他说法是不是地道,想说就说,说了总比不说好,再说了好的都是练出来的,说!

下课以后,最大的正式活动就属case study。 最牛的一次经历是,在韩国,我们一组五六号人,连着两个周末四天时间一天十多小时一起呆在教室讨论,找资论,做PPT,写报告。有争执也有理解,各有想法也互相尊重,累并快乐着!更重要的是取人之长补己之短,理解别人的思维方式,思考了,进步了,这不就是MBA吗?

非正式活动,那可太多了,各种形式的party,应有尽有。有印度同学在上海复旦光华楼前,月亮不出来他们不出现,专司喝酒娱乐的小团队luka Gang;有中国同学在韩国因为太想念中国菜,而自发形成的专司做菜享受生活,每周五定时举行的eating party;来到新加坡,有一群swimming team,有BBQ party。还有各种名目的酒吧聚会,蹦迪,K歌等等。

在韩国,首尔的各种景点和好玩的项目当然不能少。Lotte World紧张刺激;Hello! Seoul Festival各个宫殿喜气洋洋,各种庆典持续一周,韩国政府和人民对历史的保护令人肃然起敬;Rice Cake Museum让我们看到这小食物中的大学问;Cooking Nanta乱打的新演绎,这座城市的欢快尽现在每一处小小的生活片段里。济州岛之行,是我们在韩国的亮点,如诗如画的美景,热情周到的导游大叔,叽叽喳喳围着中国帅哥拍照的小姑娘们,这一切令济州这个饶有情趣的小岛更加生动鲜活,伴随着年轻的我们永远定格在记忆中。

新加坡的生活正在继续,花园城市美不胜收,圣淘沙温暖的海水足以让我们爱上这里。热闹的国庆将各种肤色各种语言的人们聚集在一起,尽享狮城的繁华与激情。接下来的recess week大家的出行计划已一一出炉,更多故事更多精彩也即将上映。不知道吴哥窟将用怎样的美与力量将我们震撼,已经等不急要进行一次精神的盛宴了。

我们的S3 Asia永远有新的故事,我们的故事讲也讲不完。从去年复旦相聚的那天起,我们就注定成为一家人,这家人的生活永远联系在一起,无论身处何方,无论相距多远,我们的故事都将在彼此的生活中快乐的流传下去。

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Journey's End!

It is indeed hard to believe that I am making this final entry with a sudden tinge of sadness as my S3 Asia MBA journey is soon coming to an end this December. At one moment we were having regular get-togethers and traveling to nearby countries and the next moment all our priorities have now shifted to securing jobs since this is the last semester in our unique MBA journey. I miss the lengthy and tiring journeys on bicycle from our Fudan School of Management Campus back to our dormitories and the beautiful campus of Korea University. The experience of winter in Seoul and Shanghai was really cold and yet amazing compared to Singapore, where we are blessed with eternal summer all year round.

I must say that life has changed for me since I started this unique MBA program. It created an opportunity for me to meet people from all over the globe and also to study in three different universities: Fudan (Shanghai), KUBS (Seoul) and NUS (Singapore). Moreover, I have made an immense number of friends through various inter-school activities and outings. I've had the opportunity to study, work and play with the most extraordinary group of diverse, talented, intelligent, humorous and most importantly well-rounded individuals. The relationships that I have formed are the most valuable thing I will take away from this S3 Asia MBA program which I consider more important than any other academic pursuit.

The culture at each of these three different universities was unique and gave me an insight into how nations behave, think and work. We overcame differences in language and cultural norms in order to interact and form deep relationships. The numerous intercultural exchanges enabled me to gain a deep insight into the workings of businesses and people in the cities of Shanghai and Seoul. I also had the amazing opportunity to do my internship with SK Energy in Ulsan, South Korea. All these opportunities enabled me to grow, understand people better and gain a valuable perspective of life out of Singapore.

For the last one year, I have had the opportunity to meet and network with business leaders during our MBA field trips and have had the opportunity to travel to cities such as Beijing, Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Macau while I was studying in Shanghai, China. From Seoul in South Korea, I traveled to the cities of Busan, Daegu and Ulsan. In Singapore, I also got to do things that I never expected to do such as participating in Outward Bound School as part of our orientation at NUS Business School and which I thoroughly enjoyed very much.

I was right from the start. S3 Asia MBA has given me the edge, experiences and knowledge that I really needed in order to sharpen my skills, personality and business acumen. From the moment, I first set foot on the Fudan campus in August 2008 during the inaugural launch of this program, I was changed for the better. I have learnt more during the past one year than I could have in a decade. I genuinely and completely miss the people and the universities where I studied. On this journey, I have forged a number of genuine friendships and had the company of a group of people dedicated to enjoying all of life in a well-rounded manner. This journey has been long and arduous and yet meaningful and memorable. These experiences will remain in my memory forever.

Contributed by Thiruvarsu Damodharan, Class of 2010.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009



一年前的今天,我从很多人都为之羡慕的工作岗位上辞职,领导的挽留,朋友的劝说,女朋友的支持,在那时如同烟雾一般弥漫在我的周围。但是我没有丝毫的彷徨,因为我已经做出了决定,所以只有向前看,没有退路。当时我不断跟自己说:“给自己两年的时间,你要改变,彻底的改变,虽然并不知道前面等待着你的是什么,但是如果不尝试,你永远也体会不到。Try your best, chase the dream!”





(第二篇 复旦篇 is coming soon! )

Contributed by He Zhengwei, Class of 2010.



Contributed by Chen Ming (Rolina), Class of 2010.

Lessons from without the cube – Perspective

Ask my friends what my favorite word is. If they tell you “Perspective”, it is likely they have been subject to my torturous ranting more than once. It is a word that I hold close to my heart and my stint with this class has only brought it closer. So what about perspective?

If you are going into this MBA looking forward to learn business concepts, make friends and go places, good for you. But you know what would make it all worthless: If you go into this program with a closed mind and a chauvinistic attitude.

Over the course of your study, you will come across a myriad of people with very many opinions. Sometimes these opinions will conflict with your own. And how much you learn from this course will depend on how you handle these conflicts. I will talk about conflicts in another post but for now, it would suffice to say that in a bigger frame, conflicts are irrelevant.

Let us now flip this perspective. You will also come across people who will make you feel uncomfortable about beliefs that are close to your heart. Again, the future course of your life will depend on how you handle these encounters. If you spend a lot of time in another country, the peer pressure to conform to their way of things can be great. You are probably there to learn about them and not to become one of them. However, this said, there is nothing wrong if you choose to become one of them. Just remember to make a conscious choice and not succumb to the pressure.

The following quote has been the guiding force for me for quite a long time now. Hope it can help you get where you want to go.

“If you had been born where they were born, if you had been taught what they were taught and if you had been where they were, you would have believed what they believed.”

Aham Brahmasmi

Contributed by Govind Pandey (, Class of 2010




很多人问我,S3对你意味着什么。是一场华丽的冒险,还是一次惬意的旅途。我说,都是,也都不是。 一年前的今天,当我重回复旦课堂的时候,坦诚地说,更多的是忐忑。4年的工作经验之后,我很清楚,这两年的学习,不是涂脂上粉,不是旅途驿站,而是另一个战场,另一段征程,是厚积薄发的“厚积”,更演绎着“薄发”的序曲。




如果不是因为选择了S3,我可能永远不会如此深切地感受到文化差异不仅仅只是一个名词,它如此深远地影响着我们做事的方法和态度,告诉我们在MNC里如何保持相互理解和心态平衡;如果不是因为选择了S3,我不可能对自己的梦想做出切实的考量和评估,明白调整改变不是放弃,而是为了更踏实地走更远的路; 如果不是因为选择了S3,我们更不可能在这么短的时间内就积累起兄弟姐妹般的情谊:我永远都不会忘记在独自一人在SK培训中心实习的那段时间,大方善良的秦芹如何和我分享小小蜗居,让每个周末都成了我快乐的节日;我不会忘记终于结束实习,拖着大箱行李从京畿道回首尔的深夜,是David横穿首尔到地铁站接我;我也不会忘记如果为我一次次纠正语法,指出我每一个错误,会主动帮我寻找资料,提高英语的印度同学……是的,我不会忘记你们对我的每一次鼓励和微笑。

Walk alone, you go faster, walk together, you go farther. 我不是一个善于说感谢的人,可是这些都会永远放在我的心里,成为我最宝贵的回忆。


生日快乐,S3 Asia MBA!

Contributed by Yan Shi (Jackie), Class of 2010

Happy Birthday, S3 Asia MBA!

While the second cohort starts its orientation ceremony today in Shanghai, the first cohort celebrates the program's First Birthday in Singapore!!

Exactly a year back, we stepped into the classroom for the first time of our MBA lives! We couldn't have asked for a better start - than a '12 day crash course' in Financial Accounting, taught by one of the best and the coolest  Professors till date - Prof. Yoo Yong Keun, who had travelled especially from Seoul to Shanghai for those 2 weeks.

Though I can't believe its been a year already, this has to be one of the best times of my life - a time well spent, in and out of the class - and has given me experiences and friendships that I shall cherish at least for a life time!

Here's wishing you a very Happy Birthday, S3 Asia MBA!

Contributed by Abhinav Charan, Class of 2010.

The year that simply flew by!

So where do I begin? A year has zipped past, and I know nothing of it! And yet, its this past year, when I saw life come alive. If this is a bit too philosophical, then allow me to explain :).

31 curious souls had taken a step that not many would dare (in fact many didn't dare and gave up on their choice). But these 31 stuck to their guns. None of us knew what to expect out of this program and were all skeptical to begin with. Some of us were even worried (the pangs of the global recession had hit us by then). But the die had been cast, the wheels were in motion, and there was no going back. And we did the only thing that seemed right to us at that time, we just jumped in!

The semester started with a big bang. Accounting in 10 days! Sounds like some learn-it-yourself kind of book picked up from the shelf :). But no, this is precisely what we did in our first 15 days in Shanghai, learned accounting. Things tempered down subsequently, at least on the studies front, only to be taken over by parties and night outs and lots of fun. The lukhha trips to Guanghua-lu in the night (the lukhha club can add a lot of details to this part, as I was not a member of it :)), the week long trip to Beijing during National holidays, weekend trip to Suzhou (I will never forget the orange farms of Suzhou, never eaten so many oranges in my life before!), field trip to Hangzhou, and so many class and team get togethers that I cant seem to remember any of them now! And all this happened while we pretended to study and work hard in our MBA...

4 months in Shanghai had gone by, and suddenly, it was time to move on... Some of us stayed on  looking for internships, some of us went back home to reminisce on our memories, others went on a hike into the himalayas :), perhaps an indication of how truly diverse people are and how much life has to offer to each one of us.

I hope by now you guys have an idea of how life can come alive. This is only the beginnig, I haven't even started talking about Seoul yet, and I still don't feel that I have talked enough about Shanghai! But got to end this here before it gets too entwined and tangled. Thats it for now folks. Cya soon
with another entry in the near future!


Contributed by Avinash Muthuswamy, Class of 2010


Welcome to the official blog of the ‘S3 Asia MBA’ double degree MBA programme – an unique, exciting programme that is the outcome of an alliance between three universities – the National University of Singapore, Fudan University and Korea University. This programme gives the students an opportunity to spend one semester in each of these dynamic countries.

Through this blog, the 'S3 Asians' would like to share their experiences of doing an MBA in three locations Shanghai, Seoul and Singapore! Also, the blog is going to be multi-lingual with posts in Chinese, English and Korean to be able to truly capture the essence of each of these cultures...!

Request you to closely watch this space to learn more about the program and its students!